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Купить книгу Smart Cities. A Spatialised Intelligence, автора Antoine  Picon
Smart Cities. A Spatialised Intelligence
As cities compete globally, the Smart City has been touted as the important new strategic driver for regeneration and growth. Smart Cities are employing information and communication technologies in the quest for sustainable economic development and the fostering of new forms of collective life. This has made the Smart City an essential focus for engineers, architects, urban designers, urban planners, and politicians, as well as businesses such as CISCO, IBM and Siemens. Despite its broad appeal, few comprehensive books have been devoted to the subject so far, and even fewer have tried to relate it to cultural issues and to assume a truly critical stance by trying to decipher its consequences on urban space and experience. This cultural and critical lens is all the more important as the Smart City is as much an ideal permeated by Utopian beliefs as a concrete process of urban transformation. This ideal possesses a strong self-fulfilling character: our cities will become ‘Smart’ because we want them to. This book opens with an examination of the technological reality on which Smart Cities are built, from the chips and sensors that enable us to monitor what happens within the infrastructure to the smartphones that connect individuals. Through these technologies, the urban space appears as activated, almost sentient. This activation generates two contrasting visions: on the one hand, a neo-cybernetic ambition to steer the city in the most efficient way; and on the other, a more bottom-up, participative approach in which empowered individuals invent new modes of cooperation. A thorough analysis of these two trends reveals them to be complementary. The Smart City of the near future will result from their mutual adjustment. In this process, urban space plays a decisive role. Smart Cities are contemporary with a ‘spatial turn’ of the digital. Based on key technological developments like geo-localisation and augmented reality, the rising importance of space explains the strategic role of mapping in the evolution of the urban experience. Throughout this exploration of some of the key dimensions of the Smart City, this book constantly moves from the technological to the spatial as well as from a critical assessment of existing experiments to speculations on the rise of a new form of collective intelligence. In the future, cities will become smarter in a much more literal way than what is often currently assumed.
Купить книгу The Autopoiesis of Architecture. A New Framework for Architecture, автора Patrik  Schumacher
The Autopoiesis of Architecture. A New Framework for Architecture
Take a theoretical approach to architecture with The Autopoiesis of Architecture, which presents the topic as a discipline with its own unique logic. Architecture's conception of itself is addressed as well as its development within wider contemporary society. Author Patrik Schumacher offers innovative treatment that enriches architectural theory with a coordinated arsenal of concepts facilitating both detailed analysis and insightful comparisons with other domains, such as art, science and politics. He explores how the various modes of communication comprising architecture depend upon each other, combine, and form a unique subsystem of society that co-evolves with other important autopoietic subsystems like art, science, politics and the economy. The first of two volumes that together present a comprehensive account of architecture's autopoiesis, this book elaborates the theory of architecture?s autopoeisis in 8 parts, 50 sections and 200 chapters. Each of the 50 sections poses a thesis drawing a central message from the insights articulated within the respective section. The 200 chapters are gathering and sorting the accumulated intelligence of the discipline according to the new conceptual framework adopted, in order to catalyze and elaborate the new formulations and insights that are then encapsulated in the theses. However, while the theoretical work in the text of the chapters relies on the rigorous build up of a new theoretical language, the theses are written in ordinary language ? with the theoretical concepts placed in brackets. The full list of the 50 theses affords a convenient summary printed as appendix at the end of the book. The second volume completes the analysis of the discourse and further proposes a new agenda for contemporary architecture in response to the challenges and opportunities that confront architectural design within the context of current societal and technological developments.
Купить книгу The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume II. A New Agenda for Architecture, автора Patrik  Schumacher
The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume II. A New Agenda for Architecture
This is the second part of a major theoretical work by Patrik Schumacher, which outlines how the discipline of architecture should be understood as its own distinct system of communication. Autopoeisis comes from the Greek and means literally self-production; it was first adopted in biology in the 1970s to describe the essential characteristics of life as a circular self-organizing system and has since been transposed into a theory of social systems. This new approach offers architecture an arsenal of general comparative concepts. It allows architecture to be understood as a distinct discipline, which can be analyzed in elaborate detail while at the same time offering insightful comparisons with other subject areas, such as art, science and political discourse. On the basis of such comparisons the book insists on the necessity of disciplinary autonomy and argues for a sharp demarcation of design from both art and engineering. Schumacher accordingly argues controversially that design as a discipline has its own sui generis intelligence – with its own internal logic, reach and limitations. Whereas the first volume provides the theoretical groundwork for Schumacher’s ideas – focusing on architecture as an autopoeitic system, with its own theory, history, medium and its unique societal function – the second volume addresses the specific, contemporary challenges and tasks that architecture faces. It formulates these tasks, looking specifically at how architecture is seeking to organize and articulate the complexity of post-fordist network society. The volume explicitly addresses how current architecture can upgrade its design methodology in the face of an increasingly demanding task environment, characterized by both complexity and novelty. Architecture’s specific role within contemporary society is explained and its relationship to politics is clarified. Finally, the new, global style of Parametricism is introduced and theoretically grounded.
Купить книгу Redeveloping Industrial Sites. A Guide for Architects, Planners, and Developers, автора Carol  Berens
Redeveloping Industrial Sites. A Guide for Architects, Planners, and Developers
The ultimate resource on strategies for redeveloping abandoned urban sites Architects, urban planners, urban designers, developers, city officials, and all those interested in revitalizing their post-industrial cities will find the tools they need here. Redeveloping Industrial Sites delivers solutions to complex issues concerning urban planning, design, and financing to reveal lessons on ways to successfully convert decaying land and buildings into vibrant parks, stimulating cultural destinations, and active commercial complexes. In addition, carefully chosen real-world examples illustrate topics such as sustainability, public policy, and developer know-how to form a complete picture of the elements involved in planning and executing urban redevelopment projects. Redeveloping Industrial Sites: Covers strategies used to turn abandoned industrial sites into vibrant new neighborhoods and special districts such as Toronto's Distillery District and Philadelphia's Piazza at Schmidts Emphasizes design and economic issues that urban planners and city officials need to plan successful projects as well as manage spontaneous neighborhood transformations such as loft conversions Includes case studies of a variety of redevelopments from across North America and Europe ranging from large projects such as New York's Hudson River Park and Amsterdam's harbor to the small, but important neighborhood regenerators such as Baltimore's American Brewery Building for Humanim Examines how cities from Minneapolis, Minnesota to North Adams, Massachusetts, to Swansea, Wales harnessed the forces of tourism and art to transform their mills and harbors Providing historical context as well as current perspective, Redeveloping Industrial Sites offers clear direction on repurposing derelict and polluted wastelands and warehouses into vital, living extensions of their communities.
Купить книгу The Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture. A Complete Guide to Starting and Running Your Own Firm, автора Walter  Rogers
The Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture. A Complete Guide to Starting and Running Your Own Firm
The all-inclusive reference to starting and operating a landscape architecture firm The Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture, Second Edition is completely revised to keep up with the latest developments driving the day-to-day operation of a successful private-practice landscape architecture office. Whether helping a landscape architecture student identify a career track, providing direction on starting a new office, guiding an owner seeking to jumpstart a stagnant or fledgling business, or assisting a landscape architect-in-training study for the national Landscape Architecture Registration Exam (LARE), this single-source blueprint is the key to prospering in this dynamic field. This new edition features: Indispensible information for practicing landscape architects, including professional ethics, finances, office administration, marketing and promotion, and project management An updated look at government regulatory laws, federal tax administration, sustainable design, and LEED certification Strategies for using the Internet, computer software, and technology to market and manage a firm Examples of professional contract templates Case study profiles of landscape architecture firms Requirements for professional registration and criteria for taking the national exam This comprehensive and practical reference combines real-world experience with the highest professional standards to instruct the reader on business concepts. Expertly organized and easy to follow, The Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture, Second Edition continues to be the one source that landscape architects need to direct all facets of their practice.
Купить книгу Foundations of Landscape Architecture. Integrating Form and Space Using the Language of Site Design, автора Norman  Booth
Foundations of Landscape Architecture. Integrating Form and Space Using the Language of Site Design
A visually engaging introduction to landscape architectural design Landscape architectural design seeks to create environments that accommodate users' varying lifestyles and needs, incorporate cultural heritage, promote sustainability, and integrate functional requirements for optimal enjoyment. Foundations of Landscape Architecture introduces the foundational concepts needed to effectively integrate space and form in landscape design. With over five hundred hand-rendered and digital drawings, as well as photographs, Foundations of Landscape Architecture illustrates the importance of spatial language. It introduces concepts, typologies, and rudimentary principles of form and space. Including designs for projects such as parks, campuses, and memorials, this text provides the core concepts necessary for designers to shape functional landscapes. Additionally, chapters discuss organizational and spatial design structures based on orthogonal forms, angular forms, and circular forms. Helping students, professionals, and lifelong learners alike, Foundations of Landscape Arch-itecture delivers a concrete understanding of landscape architectural design to inspire one's imagination for countless types of projects.
Купить книгу Scripting Cultures. Architectural Design and Programming, автора Mark  Burry
Scripting Cultures. Architectural Design and Programming
With scripting, computer programming becomes integral to the digital design process. It provides unique opportunities for innovation, enabling the designer to customise the software around their own predilections and modes of working. It liberates the designer by automating many routine aspects and repetitive activities of the design process, freeing-up the designer to spend more time on design thinking. Software that is modified through scripting offers a range of speculations that are not possible using the software only as the manufacturers intended it to be used. There are also significant economic benefits to automating routines and coupling them with emerging digital fabrication technologies, as time is saved at the front-end and new file-to-factory protocols can be taken advantage of. Most significantly perhaps, scripting as a computing program overlay enables the tool user (designer) to become the new tool maker (software engineer). Though scripting is not new to design, it is only recently that it has started to be regarded as integral to the designer's skill set rather than a technical speciality. Many designers are now aware of its potential, but remain hesitant. This book treats scripting not only as a technical challenge, requiring clear description, guidance and training, but also, and more crucially, answers the question as to why designers should script in the first place, and what the cultural and theoretical implications are. This book: Investigates the application of scripting for productivity, experimentation and design speculation. Offers detailed exploration of the scripting of Gaudí's final realised design for the Sagrada Família, leading to file-to-factory digital fabrication. Features projects and commentary from over 30 contemporary scripting leaders, including Evan Douglis, Marc Fornes, Sawako Kaijima, Achim Menges, Neri Oxman, Casey Reas and Hugh Whitehead of Foster + Partners.
Купить книгу The Eyes of the Skin. Architecture and the Senses, автора Juhani  Pallasmaa
The Eyes of the Skin. Architecture and the Senses
First published in 1996, The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory. It asks the far-reaching question why, when there are five senses, has one single sense – sight – become so predominant in architectural culture and design? With the ascendancy of the digital and the all-pervasive use of the image electronically, it is a subject that has become all the more pressing and topical since the first edition’s publication in the mid-1990s. Juhani Pallasmaa argues that the suppression of the other four sensory realms has led to the overall impoverishment of our built environment, often diminishing the emphasis on the spatial experience of a building and architecture’s ability to inspire, engage and be wholly life enhancing. For every student studying Pallasmaa’s classic text for the first time, The Eyes of the Skin is a revelation. It compellingly provides a totally fresh insight into architectural culture. This third edition meets readers’ desire for a further understanding of the context of Pallasmaa’s thinking by providing a new essay by architectural author and educator Peter MacKeith. This text combines both a biographical portrait of Pallasmaa and an outline of his architectural thinking, its origins and its relationship to the wider context of Nordic and European thought, past and present. The focus of the essay is on the fundamental humanity, insight and sensitivity of Pallasmaa’s approach to architecture, bringing him closer to the reader. This is illustrated by Pallasmaa’s sketches and photographs of his own work. The new edition also provides a foreword by the internationally renowned architect Steven Holl and a revised introduction by Pallasmaa himself.
Купить книгу Загадки и отгадки Кремля, автора Алексея Монастырюка
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Загадки и отгадки Кремля
В средние века Москва была созвездием крепостей, так называемых "городов": Китай-город, Белый город, Земляной город и, конечно, самый закрытый из них Кремль-город или Царьград. Книга позволяет открыть Кремль, окунуться в его тайны.
Купить книгу Верить и видеть. Искусство соборов XII–XV веков, автора Ролана Рехта
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Верить и видеть. Искусство соборов XII–XV веков
Книга известного историка средневекового искусства Ролана Рехта предлагает современное объяснение искусства собора как визуальной художественной системы, включающей в себя архитектуру, скульптуру, монументальную живопись, мелкую пластику. на материале многочисленных схоластических текстов и литературных памятников на латыни, средневерхненемецком и старофранцузском подробно рассматриваются общекультурные и религиозные условия жизни, изменения в системе ценностных ориентаций западноевропейского общества позднего Средневековья. широкие, зачастую смелые обобщения сочетаются в этой работе с описанием и анализом конкретных памятников: от великих, «классических» соборов – Шартра, Реймса, Буржа и других – до храмов мало изученных, а также небольших предметов ювелирного искусства, хранящихся в музеях всего мира.
Купить книгу Urban Planning For Dummies, автора Jordan  Yin
Urban Planning For Dummies
How to create the world's new urban future With the majority of the world's population shifting to urban centres, urban planning—the practice of land-use and transportation planning to help shape cities structurally, economically, and socially—has become an increasingly vital profession. In Urban Planning For Dummies, readers will get a practical overview of this fascinating field, including studying community demographics, determining the best uses for land, planning economic and transportation development, and implementing plans. Following an introductory course on urban planning, this book is key reading for any urban planning student or anyone involved in urban development. With new studies conclusively demonstrating the dramatic impact of urban design on public psychological and physical health, the impact of the urban planner on a community is immense. And with a wide range of positions for urban planners in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors—including law firms, utility companies, and real estate development firms—having a fundamental understanding of urban planning is key to anyone even considering entry into this field. This book provides a useful introduction and lays the groundwork for serious study. Helps readers understand the essentials of this complex profession Written by a certified practicing urban planner, with extensive practical and community-outreach experience For anyone interested in being in the vanguard of building, designing, and shaping tomorrow's sustainable city, Urban Planning For Dummies offers an informative, entirely accessible introduction on learning how.
Купить книгу Make Space. How to Set the Stage for Creative Collaboration, автора Scott  Doorley
Make Space. How to Set the Stage for Creative Collaboration
If you are determined to encourage creativity and provide a collaborative environment that will bring out the best in people, you will want this book by your side at all times. —Bill Moggridge, Director of the Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum «Make Space is an articulate account about the importance of space; how we think about it, build it and thrive in it.» —James P. Hackett, President and CEO, Steelcase An inspiring guidebook filled with ways to alter space to fuel creative work and foster collaboration. Based on the work at the Stanford University d.school and its Environments Collaborative Initiative, Make Space is a tool that shows how space can be intentionally manipulated to ignite creativity. Appropriate for designers charged with creating new spaces or anyone interested in revamping an existing space, this guide offers novel and non-obvious strategies for changing surroundings specifically to enhance the ways in which teams and individuals communicate, work, play–and innovate. Inside are: Tools–tips on how to build everything from furniture, to wall treatments, and rigging Situations–scenarios, and layouts for sparking creative activities Insights–bite-sized lessons designed to shortcut your learning curve Space Studies–candid stories with lessons on creating spaces for making, learning, imagining, and connecting Design Template–a framework for understanding, planning, and building collaborative environments Make Space is a new and dynamic resource for activating creativity, communication and innovation across institutions, corporations, teams, and schools alike. Filled with tips and instructions that can be approached from a wide variety of angles, Make Space is a ready resource for empowering anyone to take control of an environment.